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12 Productive Hobbies for Winter Weather

Why Should You Discover Some New Winter Hobbies?

When winter weather comes around, you may find that you’re stuck inside. However, it doesn’t have to be a drag when there are a huge number of activities and hobbies you can enjoy. If you’re bored and looking for something productive to do, try out one or more of these fun winter hobbies and activities!

Winter hobbies can vary from a simple project inside to going on a warm-weather destination vacation to help ease your winter blues. Maybe you want to learn a new winter weather sport like hockey or skiing? Drop the TV remote, and do something productive with your time!

The ideas and projects you can accomplish are truly endless!

Let’s get started!

Plan a Vacation and Escape the Winter Blues!

What better time to plan out your summer vacation than on a cold day? Use this time to plan where you’ll be going and what you’re going to be doing during your vacation. As anyone knows, a vacation doesn’t just plan itself. You’re also more likely to find good deals in the winter, so make it a new tradition to plan your vacation when you’re stuck inside.

Benefits of Going on a Vacation When You’re Bored?

There are a lot of reasons to grab a few days off work and go on a vacation!

First of all, it’s a great way to relieve some stress! Everyone needs a personal “reboot” from time to time. Everyone needs time away from home. Grab some friends or your family and find a place you’ve always wanted to go to.

Maybe it isn’t your typical “beach” getaway! Personally, I really want to go to Washington DC someday and see the capitol! Everyone has that one place they want to go see, so why not during winter when you’re bored?

Here are a few other reasons you may want to go on a vacation when you’re bored during winter:

Master Your Cooking Skills

Cooking isn’t something that you pick up overnight. Of all the winter hobbies we’ll cover in this article, this one takes a lot of time. Especially if you want to try out new and complicated food dishes.

especially if you want to try out new and complicated food dishes.

It sounds like a great hobby to pick up when you’re bored and stuck inside, right?

It sounds like a great project to take on when you’re bored during winter if you ask me! 🙂

Choose something that may take a few hours to prepare and you’ll pick up some handy skills along the way.
It’s definitely a great winter activity that you and your family will enjoy!

Learn Some New Skills

When you have some extra time indoors, why not get some mental exercise? Take advantage of your time by taking an online class or tutorial. Many sites have mini-courses that can be done in a few hours or a few weeks, depending on your time range. Search online for free classes such as language classes,
crafts, or anything else you want to learn.

You’ll be amazed at how much you can pick up in a few hours.

Check out our article on useful websites to visit when you’re bored!

Catch Up With Friends

What better time to catch up with friends and family than when you’ve got some free time? Take this time to write letters or emails to people you’ve been meaning to contact. You can also phone or Skype if that’s easier. This is a great family activity so be sure to get your kids involved as well.

Keeping up with friends and family can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be if you can use this time productively.

Scrapbooking and Photography

Ever wish you had a nice scrapbook to share with your friends or family? Take a few hours when you’re stuck inside to create a scrapbook that captures
special moments. Best ideas are one of your vacation or other special times.

Even if you’ve never scrapbooked before, you can easily take it up and make
simple, but fun scrapbooks to share. If you make it through all your own photos, make one for a friend’s special occasion.

Don’t forget to take some awesome photos to put in those scrapbooks! New to photography?

Check out my guide on photography here!

Get Organized

This simple chore is one that normally gets left behind in today’s busy world. However, being stuck inside on a wintery day is a great opportunity to
finally get things together.

Pick a room and organize it from the inside out. Other great organization ideas include closets, your music library, file
folders, or even computer files.

This is one of the winter hobbies that you should obtain and be sure to stick with til the end or risk ending up more disorganized than ever!


Exercise is a great hobby to have in your life, especially in the winter months. Fight off any winter blues with fun exercise videos and routines.

You can take up yoga, pilates, and a variety of other activities without having to make the trek to the gym.

There are many programs online or you can build your own as well.

This is also a good activity if you have a spare room or basement that you can set up some equipment!

Pick Up a New Card Game

Who doesn’t like a good card game?! Maybe you’ve always wanted to play poker for fun, or play cribbage with your grandparents. What’s nice about card games is you can do them whenever you have a few minutes to spare when you’re bored.

Watching TV on the couch or just want to burn 15 minutes with your significant other.

Plan Get-Togethers or Friendly Parties

Take some time to plan upcoming fun events for you and your friends. If you like to have people over on a regular basis, take this time to plan out menus, theme parties, or other get-togethers that everyone would enjoy.

This way, when you get around to having people over, you’ll already have all your plans in
place. This will make your job easier later down the road.

Read a Good Book

Reading is a great way to escape the daily stresses of life and also explore your interests. From non-fiction to fiction, pick a topic that you want to
know more about or explore. You’ll find that you enjoy this hobby and also broadening your mind at the same time. If you’re not much of a reader, then try
audiobooks for convenience. You can put on an audiobook and take on another simple chore at the same time.

Make Gifts

Winter hobbies can really benefit you in many ways, and one is getting ahead for Christmas! If you enjoy making gifts, you don’t have to wait until the week before Christmas. In fact, you may find that it’s easier to get organized the more time you give yourself.

Make it a hobby to craft a few gifts you can give out next Christmas or as needed. Having hostess gifts on hand, for example, is simple and can save you a lot of time in the future. And, if you don’t happen to sell them, you can always list your best results online.

Plan a Garden

Photo by Moyan_Brenn

The winter months aren’t a great time to plant a garden, but they’re the perfect time to get started deciding what’s going to be in your garden. Look online or in magazines to decide what you want to grow next year. You can even sketch out your plans in a notebook or look into container gardening if
short on space.

Depending on the time of year, you may even want to get some seeds started indoors. By having your plans ready, you’ll be all set to go
when the summer months finally arrive.

If you’re REALLY prepared, you could even turn this hobby into a money-making business! This is another one of my guides.

Ice Skate

Remember how I mentioned exercising above? Well, this is a fun version of just that! Take the kids or your significant other and hit the rink when you’re bored!

It’ll be nice to get some fresh air for once. Plus it’s something different that you can only do for a few months out of the year.

Take advantage of the cold weather and actually enjoy the iciness!

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